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Turn your LinkedIn profile into a Lead Generation Machine 

Learn how to create authentic content and generate revenue on LinkedIn. Follow the exact playbook I have used to generate 170 million views & over $1 million in total revenue

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Go from passive consumer to revenue-generating creator

  • Build a proven system for generating valuable (and viral) content
  • Turn your knowledge into scalable offers
  • Systemize your growth, lead flow and marketing
  • Scale revenue without sacrificing more time and energy

Who is the LinkedIn Blueprint for?

Full-time employees hoping to build a second stream of income and audience

First-time founders looking to generate free traffic, leads and revenue without spending on ads

Solopreneurs trying to scale their business and audience online using LinkedIn

After taking this course you will...

  • Have a repeatable system to create engaging content
    You will have proven frameworks, tools and templates that will allow you batch create content quickly and grow your reach

  •  Own an audience that is willing to pay for your offers
    You will learn how to constantly grow your audience and offer solutions that they want to invest in

  • Have a playbook for turning interest into revenue
    You will have built a high-converting talk track, enrollment process and onboarding sequence that works consistently

  • Create scalable systems that give you more freedom
    You will learn how to outsource and delegate the most time consuming parts of your business and build the right automations

  • Sleep better at night and work better during the day
    You will have designed a business that works for you instead of the other way around so that you have the time freedom you are looking for. You will also have the peace of mind that a true safety net provides.

What Students Are Saying

Maria I. | Credit Analyst, Covestro

"Loved Tobi's practical teachings, which made the learning experience more engaging and enjoyable, and also equipped us with the skills and confidence needed to excel in our content strategy. His emphasis on practicality enabled me to translate my knowledge into tangible outcomes."

Aneesh L. | Founder, Wishly Group

"Tobi gets tactical and doesn’t just stay with the fluff. I’ve already seen huge increases in my engagement and views. He keeps it real and helps you grow. Highly recommend."

James H. | Account Executive, Shopify

"Tobi did a great job is helping us understand how he built his personal brand and businesses to where they are today using these methods. He's instilled a level of confidence in me I didn't expect coming out of this course. A confidence to build a personal brand and a strategic plan on how to find the clients I want to work with."

Gina T. | Product Manager, APM Connect

"Tobi is an amazing mentor and instructor! It's been so inspiring to watch Tobi's career + LinkedIn journey, and I appreciate how he tailors his content to help folks land opportunities that support their ideal lifestyle (which he also helps you identify + reflect on), rather than just sharing a general playbook. He drops some gems on mindset shifts"

Peter N. | Data Analyst, RBC

"Tobi is a genius when it comes to LinkedIn and Sales. He has figured out the system from inside and out. This courses was very practical and I could see myself improving my LinkedIn game every day as I implemented the lessons from the course."

Sherneda L. | Client Success Consultant, BELAY

"Tobi is phenomenal and the training material was presented in an easy to understand format for someone new to creating content. Tobi took the time to answer questions and provided step by step instructions on how to enter the world of creating content. He is truly a professional who has a passion for helping others!"

Alli R. | Imposter Syndrome Coach

"I only started working with Tobi when I had about 5,500 followers. But within 4 months I was able to generate over $103,000 for my coaching business and I recently just passed the 10,000 follower mark! I'm still closing clients almost every week."

Kodi A. | Project Manager at Apple & Co-Founder, Kegonii

"Tobi is one of the most genuine men I’ve ever met. Watching and learning from him has inspired me to grow my brand on linkedin farther than I could’ve ever expected, and think of how I can set myself up to be financially free in the future."

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Meet Your Instructor

Tobi Oluwole

In 2020, I began creating content on LinkedIn daily with no direction. Within 3 years, I built an audience of 230,000+ followers, generated 175 million impressions organically.

Today, LinkedIn helped me generate 5-figures per month outside my 9-5 (but in less than 7 hours a week of work) and in June 2023, I quit my job to become a full-time entrepreneur because of LinkedIn. Content creation has allowed me to travel more, sleep better and create time freedom for myself & my family.

My Content Has Gathered over 175 Million Organic Impressions on LinkedIn

Building an Audience of 230,000+ followers

Noah L.

"This course was a complete game changer for how I approached my content on LinkedIn. I grew my followers by over 200% in 30 days. I also got 130,000 impressions. Completely insane numbers for somebody new to the platform"

These Are Their Results

Course Syllabus

  1. Clarify your motivations and goals
    Understand the kind of personality you have, the types of experiences you have gathered and the level of commitment you can dedicate to this. Take a deep dive into your motivations and your starting point to build the best possible path to freedom.

  2. Learn the fundamentals of generating revenue
    Earning money with your own ideas is an entire skill in itself. You will learn the most important philosophies that you must accept if you are going to generate revenue consistently without burning out or losing credibility with your audience.

  3. Build a foundation for your content
    Creating content daily or weekly requires a lot of consistency. Some days you will not feel like making a post or commenting. So in the module you will learn how to build a renewable source of content that will act as a deep well for you to keep drawing from.

  4. Master the algorithm and create your own audience
    Get a deeper understanding of how the LinkedIn algorithm works, how you can use different types of posts to drive the right kind of engagement you need. From text + image posts to building viral carousels.

  5. Test & validate your ideas with data
    The only times you are right on an idea are when you have data or when you have dollars. Learn how to quickly validate if there is a true need for your offering and how many people want it.

  6. Develop a standardized lead generation process
    Learn how to generate inbound interest through your content and create a simple process that will allow you to qualify leads quickly. Ensure that each prospective customer receives the same quality experience. 


Plus TWO bonus modules to help you scale once you start generating revenue

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I've used this system to create 250+ individual viral posts (100k+ impressions) without ever using an engagement pod or commenting gimmicks. 

What's in the course?

52+ Viral Carousel Prompts

To help you take advantage of LinkedIn's favourite growth hack: Carousels

Proven Carousel Templates

Use my exact carousel templates to create better carousels that get great engagement.

18 Posting Frameworks

Get access to my posting frameworks that have gathered millions of views individually so you can create better content faster. 

My Top 100+ Posts

Use my top 100 text, image & carousel posts for inspiration whenever you get stuck. 

Proven Winning Topics

Get a list of winning LinkedIn topics so that you can create content that LinkedIn wants to show to it's users. 

My Exact Sales Script

Get access to the sales script I built that helped me close over $500,000 in revenue.

How You Will Learn

Video Modules

Access over 6 hours of video content and recorded office hours.


Use the workbook, templates, scripts, and playbook to streamline your content creation.

Live Q&A Monthly

Join a live session every month to ask questions and connect with other creators.

This student got 1.6 million impressions in 8 weeks

By following the LinkedIn Blueprint they were able to create great content and then turn that attention into organic traffic for their business. 

You will get the most out of this course if

You need clear directions on how to create great content in less time and master the LinkedIn algorithm

You want to build an audience but you need help overcoming your imposter syndrome and the fear of getting started

You need accountability and inspiration to stay consistent as you turn LinkedIn to a revenue stream

Theola D.

"Tobi has put together an actionable and fun learning experience that will forever change how you use LinkedIn for your professional or business goals. He is a generous teacher and answers questions to the fullest. You will learn frameworks that you can put to use right away and develop the muscle and excitement to show up on LinkedIn in a new, profitable way."


Who is the LinkedIn blueprint for? 

This is for employees who want to diversify their income without necessarily quitting their jobs to become entrepreneurs or founders. If your goal is to earn more without taking massive risks, this is for you.

How will this course help me?  

Everything that is in this course has been proven, repeated and tested over 3 years. You won't feel stuck on what to offer, how to start, what to write or how to earn money. 

How long does this course last for?

This is a self-led course that you can take at any time.

What format does the course come in?

The blueprint is made up of  aspects: video & written content. You will also get access to tools and resources to help you move faster and make less mistakes. 

Does this come with 1:1 help or support? 

This is a self-led course and does not come with email or phone support. 

Is this only relevant to LinkedIn? 

The principles and strategies you will learn were proven on LinkedIn. But they work on other social platforms like TikTok and Reels. We once had a student get over 1.7 million views on a LinkedIn carousel that was posted on TikTok

More Student Testimonials & Results

Mo' Ekujumi | Founder, Skillhat

"Working with Tobi helped me see the value of my personal brand as a Founder and showed me a clear path to build it on Linked in. Implementing the tactics recommended grew my business revenue by 300% in 6 months."

Stella A. | Founder, Mave

"My first post ever that Tobi helped me create got over 1 million impressions on LinkedIn. Within 8 weeks I had 17,000 followers and had gathered over 6 million impressions on LinkedIn. He's a genius!"

Alli R. | Imposter Syndrome Coach

"I only started working with Tobi when I had about 5,500 followers. But within 4 months I was able to generate over $140,000 for my coaching business and I recently just passed the 10,000 follower mark!"

Sefunmi O. | Founder, JoinColab.io

"Tobi is a genius spanning a wide variety of topics, from building an audience to storytelling, diversifying income streams, finding sustainable marketing channels for your business, and overall wealth creation."

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Nicholas O.

"The course was very well structured, the goal was not to be viral content creators overnight but to be able to understand the LinkedIn algorithm and create the best content. "