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Drive high-quality leads to your business with your LinkedIn content

Work with Tobi for 8 Weeks

↳ Create viral content 

↳ Drive qualified leads 

↳ Use proven templates 

↳ Be part of a community 

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Drive high-quality leads to your business with your LinkedIn content

Work with Tobi for 8 Weeks

↳ Create viral content with a small audience

↳ Drive qualified leads into your funnel

↳ Get proven templates to convert leads

↳ Be part of a community of founders

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LinkedIn has the highest-quality leads

LinkedIn has evolved in the past 5 years. It's not just for job hunting, hiring or company updates anymore. We're talking about a platform with 1 billion users - and a ton of untapped potential. But here’s the best part: most folks are just scratching the surface. Only 11 million people create content on LinkedIn weekly - that's only 1%!

But how do people turn all the potential on LinkedIn into leads and revenue for themselves & their business?

  1. Authentic Content. Forget the corporate speak - it's dead. It's all about being real and telling stories people relate to. You’ll learn how to create content that truly speaks to your audience, and guess what? They’ll love you for it and then transfer that love to your business.

  2. Be the Go-To Person. It's not just building a profile; you need to build a brand – YOUR brand and authority. We’ll show you how to be the name that pops up when people think of your industry.

  3. Decision-Ready Users, Meet Your Business. Did you know LinkedIn users are some of the most action-ready folks out there? They also have 2x the buying power than the average user on other social platforms. 

Here’s the deal: LinkedIn is still massively underrated. It’s not just about being there and making posts; it’s about being active and strategic so you can drive revenue. And that’s exactly what we’ll help you do in Founder's Blueprint

But why should you listen to me? 

For several years, I struggled to build my businesses past the $30,000/year mark. I honestly tried everything from Facebook Ads to recording TikTok videos to writing blogs for better SEO and everything in between. Nothing seemed to work well enough to allow my businesses to scale. 

Then in May of 2020, I learned a secret storytelling framework that has existed since the 1860s. Being skeptical, I decided to make a post on LinkedIn using that framework to see if it would work. At the time, I only had about 1,000 connections on the platform. What happened next changed my business and my life forever. The post went viral! Gathering over 5,000 likes and 300,000 impressions. Within a few hours, we started getting tens of leads and signups to our website. Below is a screenshot of that post:

But that could have just been luck! Maybe it was a good day on LinkedIn. Some people go viral for posting about being laid off or announcing a new job. I decided to make another post a week later just to confirm that this secret framework was legitimate. This time, it went even more viral! 10,000+ likes, 400,000+ impressions & even more leads poured in! This was the second post: 

That was when I knew that I had unlocked one of the best marketing channels on the internet - for free! So I turned off all our ads that were generating ZERO leads for us and costing thousands of dollars and made this simple commitment to myself. 

"I'm going to post on LinkedIn every morning indefinitely."

4 years, 1,100+ posts and 1,500 days later, I have generated:

  • 220 million organic impressions
  • And over $1.5 million in revenue

These are two different businesses we built in 18 months in the career and marketing spaces:

My businesses now generate hundreds of leads and $50,000-70,000 in revenue per month - with no ad spend. All it takes is about 15 minutes a day to create written content tailored to the LinkedIn audience and a high level of consistency. 

No more going through the gruesome work of recording videos daily, or wasting thousands of dollars on ads. 

ONE post a day + 5 days a week = unlimited high-quality leads.

Now I have developed a formula that allows 1/4 of my posts to go viral on LinkedIn and generate hundreds of new leads a month.

Which Led to a New Life.

Retired from corporate

In 2023, my wife and I bought our second home then left our full-time jobs at Shopify shortly after.

Moved to Europe

We now get more time to create new memories with each other while travelling every month.

Bought back my freedom

I work 3-4 days a week, on my schedule and spend the rest of my time with the people I love - living out my dreams.

Hi, I'm Tobi!

Every weekday for the past 4 years, I've been creating content. Today, my LinkedIn content has helped secure 6-figure brand deals, equity in different startups, and paid speaking engagements - while generating hundreds of thousands of dollars for my businesses annually.

I've taught this system to several founders now who have been able to get similar results. 

Want to learn more?

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My Founders Get Results. Fast.

Julia created this viral post that generated over 3 million impressions, 43,000 likes and inbound leads within a month.

Samantha's content reached more than 3 million impressions within 3 months and attracted 13,000+ NEW followers.

Alli generated over $140,000 for her business in the first 4 months and grew her follower count by over 65%.

Tom grew to over 10,000 followers and used his content to drive more than 140 signups for his very first webinar.

Molly's post got over 300,000 views her first week and she generated 5-figures worth of sales in 3 months.

McKay's content went viral twice in her first week which helped her land 3 new clients in the first 10 days of the program.

They have generated 150,000,0000+ impressions on LinkedIn


The Blueprint Works & I Can Prove It.

My content was seen more than 100 million times in the past 12 months - averaging almost 2 million impression a week! 

It took me more than a year to grow to 10,000 followers. But in the last 2.5 years, I've grown my audience to 275,000+ followers.

300+ posts have gone viral with over 100,000 views. 40 of my posts have over 1 million views individually. The formula is repeatable.

It costs $30-100+ to get in front of 1,000 people using LinkedIn ads. I've generate over $4.5 million in earned media value for free. 

Creating content has led to me & my companies being featured in major publications like Business Insider, Fast Company & more - establishing credibility & trust. 

I've grown 3 businesses to multiple 6-figures a year while simultaneously working fewer hours a week.

All these results have come from just over 1,000 posts that have generated over 1.7 million likes

I documented my entire journey and built this program to help founders, coaches and solopreneurs build authority and drive leads from LinkedIn with organic content.

The Curriculum

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What You Get In The Program

1. Live Weekly Coaching

Join Tobi & some of his top performing students on a live call every Tuesday and Thursday to talk through content, sales strategies, lead generation and to get feedback on your offer. 

2. In-depth Tactical Resources

You will get access to highly technical videos, frameworks, carousel templates and an entire playbook to help you create viral content in less time.

3. Content Reviews

Get your LinkedIn content reviewed by a LinkedIn creator with 100k+ followers to ensure it is formatted & optimized for visibility that drives leads.

4. Instant Exposure

Get instant engagement from Tobi's profile (with 275,000 followers) and the other founders in the community every week to drive your visibility, reach and overall credibility as you build your own audience.

5. Business Modeling

Work together with our coaches to craft your offer and develop the most efficient marketing & sales funnels, business model and growth plan to create a predictable business for you.

No more wondering what to post. 

The Founder's Blueprint process works because it removes 99% of the friction that stops you from creating content daily.

You won't get stuck on:

  • What you should post - Because you will have proven frameworks, hooks and viral content to inspire you. 
  • How to make content - You will have exact templates that you can use to create your content quickly.
  • Worrying about how good your content is - because my team will review your posts weekly before you schedule them.
  • If people will see your posts or not - We will like and engage with your content during the program to give you more reach.
So that you too can have results like these 👇🏽

Go From Unknown to Unmissable 

Maybe even become a LinkedIn Top Voice

And of course, generate revenue!

The Complete Blueprint for Driving Leads From LinkedIn

Founder's Blueprint


  • 8 weeks of live coaching
  • Private Slack community
  • Creator profile optimization
  • Weekly content review
  • Access to content templates
  • Access to 52+ carousel hooks
  • Sales Funnel Strategy
  • The $500k sales script
  • My top 100 LinkedIn posts
  • Engagement from Tobi's Profile
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Chris K.

"Working with Tobi has been a game changer for my social brand. I was struggling to bring out meaningful content consistently but Tobi broadened my horizon and crushed my limiting beliefs. His proven content systems have inspired me to reach almost 1M views weekly. I am on a completely new growth trajectory thanks to him. Thanks Tobi!!"

Nader R.

"This program helped me cheat time. What would have taken me 3 years took 3 months thanks to the valuable lessons he’s learned the hard way. I went from no followers to 5000 in 90 days and more than 300k impressions — all due to his secrets. He’s a game changer."


Join 100+ founders who have generated millions of impressions & dollars

Kelly generated over 1 million impressions her first week creating content on LinkedIn and became a Top HR Voice within 2 months.

Aurelie generated over 200,000 impressions from her first 3 posts and gained instant visibility within her organization.

Dora grew from 2,000 - 18,000 followers in 8 months, got 1 million impressions in her first month and was recently named #4 Top Female Creator in Canada.

Noah generated over $40,000 within 40 days of starting the program and grew from 980 followers to almost 8,000 followers in 6 months.

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